News / Events
Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours
Annual Exhibition 2025
Mall Galleries London
26th March to 5th April
The annual international showcase for water based works exhibiting paintings by both members
and non members. I will be exhibiting four works including the two below and the painting featured on my homepage.

Hinterland : By cascading waters
watercolour, gouache and ink 64 x 49 cms

Hinterland : By cascading waters 2
watercolour, gouache and ink 64 x 49 cms
Kevis House Gallery
Lombard Street, Petworth
Work is available at this gallery in West Sussex including the two oils below.
Link to all works.....

The house beyond the water 2 51x 51 cms oil

Haven : on the edge of the city 51 x 51 cms oil
Thompson's Gallery :
The Autumn Annual Exhibition
24th September - 11th October
I will be exhibiting the two paintings below alongside a full gallery of inspiring works
by other Thompson's artists. Well worth a visit - link below to online show..........

Ark 2 : on the edge of the city oil on canvas 76 x 76 cms

Hinterland : the house above the waterfall oil on canvas 70 x 100 cms
RI exhibition at the Iona House Gallery

I will be exhibiting with other RI members at the Iona House Gallery,
4 High Street, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1TF
1st June - 7th July
Thompson's Gallery London
Duo show with David Gleeson RI

Delighted that my exhibition with another RI, David Gleeson, is now open
at Thompson's Gallery The work is complementary - I feel that both
of us use singular colour and tone to produce our imagery - David paints
meditative still lifes - while I have been further developing my 'retreats' placing
them into ever more remote invented landscapes.
Link to work at Thompson's :
Thompson's Gallery.
3 Seymour Place
London W1H 5AZ
Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours
Annual Exhibition 2024
Mall Galleries, London
28th March - 13th April

A showcase of work by the institute's members and selected non members
- an annual survey of work using water based media. The work on show will
demonstrate the spectrum of approaches that artists using this media currently employ.
As a member I will be exhibiting five pieces including the painting below.

Hinterland : the distant neighbour watercolour, gouache and ink on paper
45cms x 60 cms ( 65 cms x 80 cms framed)
Thompson's Gallery
Harpenden Winter Show
26th November - 22nd December
13,Church Street, Harpenden
Pleased to have paintings in this show
alongside some outstanding artists.
Thompson's Gallery Autumn Exhibition :
'The Autumn Catalogue'
The paintings below will be available during the exhibition - an annual event at
Thompsons in Seymour Place, London, W1H 5AZ. All three are new additions to the
'By the water's Edge 'series.
Other news is that I have been invited by Thompson's to take part in a Duo exhibition
with another RI member, David Gleeson, in Spring next year. More about that nearer the time!

Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours
Four recent paintings from the 'By the Waters Edge' series
including the one below 'The retreat : above the water's edge' will be shown at the
RI Annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London 30th April to 8th April 2023.

Aesthetica Art Prize 2023
The painting below ' The house in the Forest' has been long listed for the 2023
Aesthetica art Prize and will be published alongside other work from this series in the
forthcoming Aesthetica Art Prize Anthology : Future Now
This showcases the work of 125 contemporary artists from around the globe that
'reflects upon our ever changing world'

Thompson's Gallery London : Autumn Show
21st September - 8 October 2022
The painting below, together with two others, will be available at Thompson's Gallery,
3 Seymour Place, London for the dates above. They are from my new series
'By the water's edge' further exploring the theme of architecture/havens embedded
in the terrain, this time retreating to the margins of that landscape next to water.

Far from the city : Island Haven 91 cms x 91 cms
Winners / Award winning artists 2020 - 2022 at the Mall Galleries, London
The painting below will be included in this special show 27th July - 6th August 2022
Selected by art critic Anthony J Lester it will bring together work by
artists who have won awards in any of the annual exhibitions mounted by societies in the
Federation of British Artists over the last two years. Its the first exhibition of its kind and will
feature a wide variety of paintings drawings prints and sculptures.

Distant city - the house on the edge of the sea watercolour, gouache and ink
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2022
Delighted that both the paintings below - The house beyond the water
and Distant City : the house above the canyon will be in the RA Summer Exhibition
This years theme chosen by the co- ordinator, Alison Wilding, is 'Climate'
' whether as a crisis or opportunity or simply our everyday experience
- it is an all embracing subject' ( RA website)
Update - on visiting the exhibition I was intrigued to find the lower painting
( the house above the canyon ) in the architecture room. This had been co-curated
for the first time by an architect and an artist ( Niall Mc Laughlin and Rana Begum.)
It worked incredibly well. The other painting was in the room curated by Alison Wilding.

The house beyond the water

Distant city : the house above the canyon
Private view RI Annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries
Lovely event - great to meet other members for the first time.
Delighted that the painting below -
Distant city - the Sheltering Cove - won the Debra Manifold RI Memorial Award
for the most innovative work
The exhibition is on until the 23rd April with daily events involving RI members -
for details see the Mall Galleries website :

March / April 2022
Four of my paintings including the two below will be exhibited at the
Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour (RI) Annual Exhibition
at the Mall Galleries. My first time exhibiting as a member of the RI......

Distant city : the sheltering cove

.Distant city : the house on the hillside
Joint exhibition with Roger Aslin at
the Lightbox, Woking.
August 2021
The Lightbox is an award winning arts centre and museum
in Woking with several galleries all showing interesting and very
diverse work...

June 2021
Very happy and proud to have been elected a member of the Royal Institute of
Painters in Watercolour. ( RI)
Figurative Art Now
The painting below - Haven 7 : on the edge of the city - has been selected for the online exhibition
'Figurative Art Now ' - a showcase of representational and figurative painting organized for the 60th
anniversary of the Federation of British Artists at the Mall galleries.

Winsor and Newton award at the RI
I feel very honoured to have been given the Winsor and Newton award by the
Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours for the group of paintings below currently exhibited
in their 2021 annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London.
The work in the exhibition is wide ranging and the standard is excellent whether artists
are exploring watercolour in a traditional sense or investigating new ways of using water based media.
I think this diversity is what makes the exhibition so interesting and I am proud to be part of it.
If you are in London before the 29th May please visit!

Installation shot of paintings in the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours annual exhibition
RI Annual Exhibition 2021
Four of my paintings including the one shown below, will be exhibited
in the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours Annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries
They are all from the most recent series 'On the far edge of the city 2'
Also very pleased to have been selected as a candidate for membership.
Haven 6 : On the edge of the city
New Light Art Prize
The painting below - Haven 2 - on the edge of the city - has been selected for the New Light Art Prize 2020/21
Exhibition begins at the Scarborough Art Gallery Sep 2020 - Jan 2021 then tours nationally to:
Tullie House Gallery, Carlisle Jan - May 2021
The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle upon Tyne May - August 2021
Bankside Gallery, London Nov 2021

RI exhibition
I will be exhibiting two paintings including the one below at the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours
2020 exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London. 1st - 12th September
The online exhibition can be visited at:

The house on the edge of the lake 2
Westmorland Landscape Prize
The two paintings below have been selected for the Westmorland Landscape Prize,
2019, Rheged Gallery, Penrith
Ironic Romantic Landscape


installation view

RI Exhibition
The House at the end of Mondrian Street ( above) has been selected
for the annual exhibition of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours
at the Mall Galleries, London.
April 3rd - 18th , 2019

New Light Art
My painting Nightclimb 2 ,shown above, is touring as part of the New Light Exhibition
Nov 2017 - Jan 2019. Venues include the Bowes Museum , Barnard Castle,
Co. Durham ( see below) , Huddersfield Art Gallery, Bankside Gallery London and Tullie
House Art Gallery, Carlisle. Link to selected works below.

Sunday Times Watercolour exhibition
Dream House on the edge of town (above) selected for the
Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 2017, Mall Galleries,
London and touring various venues in the UK.